Monday 1 June 2015

Don't be afraid to be confused

“Don't be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. Stay open, forever, so open it hurts, and then open up some more, until the day you die, world without end, amen.”  George SaundersThe Braindead Megaphone

I think recently there have been a lot of reasons I feel confused. I have changed careers, bought a house and begun a more committed stage in my life with my partner. It is no wonder that I freaked out a little bit recently and began to run away from a lot of the good things that have been happening. Before my minor freak out, I always thought I was a pretty good communicator, quite good at living in the moment and being present. Turns out that I was bottling a whole lot more than I realised.

I am coming to terms more and more with the idea of the quote above. The idea that it is ok not to know, it's ok not to have a plan, it's ok to just enjoy yourself and see how things go.

Most of my unhappiness comes from thinking too far into the future, creating issues and problems that aren't really there. Or comparing my life and people in my life with others. More and more I'm learning to live in the moment, and more and more I'm learning what that really means. 

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